Pico Soil Moisture Probes

Pico Soil Moisture Probes with high-tech, integrated TRIME technology. These highly sophisticated, fast and accurate sensors are ideal for monitoring soil moisture, temperature and electrical conductivity in soils and other porous materials. Uniquely, using TDR evaluation, they deliver results in a volumetric basis without the need for complicated laboratory measurements.

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TDR (Time Domain Reflectrometry) technology delivers very accurate determination of soil moisture content. Data can be read from a handheld unit, logged or sent via the Van Walt Telemetry system to a PC for analysis. Competitive priced and very accurate especially when used in “difficult” sediments such as heavy clays or those high in organic matter content.

Pico Soil Moisture Probes work by inserting the rods into the soil and within a few seconds the moisture measurement and soil EC values and temperature are presented on a display unit. The operating mode “Normal” shows you the value of Moisture, Temperature, and the RBC (material conductivity).

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Pico Soil Moisture Probes Equipment Options:



  • Pico 32 Soil Moisture Probe
  • Pico 64 Soil Moisture Probe



vanwaltCONNECT telemetry
Spare rods
85 mm preparation probe
Tube extension
Preparation set
HD2 Meter
Pico Profile


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